Slop Hoppers, which are also referred to as disposal units or sluice sinks, are an essential piece of equipment in hospitals, nursing homes and GP surgeries. They are designed to facilitate the safe and hygienic disposal of clinical waste and as such, they often come with a flushing mechanism, just like in a domestic toilet. They can be installed with the cistern directly above the sink or the cistern can be hidden within a housing unit.
We’ve been manufacturing stainless steel Slop Hoppers for many years and we are regularly asked how to install them correctly. So we’ve made a short 4-minute video to help installers in need of assistance.
You can link to our installation video here.
Or view our standard collection here.
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Key Products
Fiji Slop Hopper
for solid and liquid waste disposal unit
Bali Slop Hopper
continuous flushing rim and hinged bucket grate
Java slop hopper
Wall mounted for solid & liquid waste
Maui slop hopper
Floor standing Shrouded sluice
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